He’s Waiting…


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  1. The more men say ‘yuk’, the more there is for me. Really don’t know what to do first: eat the hot ass or suck that hard pole…

  2. ill give my view on posts as i feel fit .. just as others do when i see posts that or fit and some have a negative view .. i don’t comment then. We all have types hes just not mine… so i wont be shutting it !!

  3. I gave this Hairy Sexy Hunk of manhood a Rave Review last week & he gets a “FIVE STAR” Rating again this week!! Hair RULES!!!And he is the King!!!! Hairy Clay

  4. Great and very sexy! What’s REALLY creepy, is the shaved pubes and nuts, looks like a hairless child….who’s into that scene! BE MEN! CELEBRATE YOUR BEARDS AND PUBES!

  5. Hot looking man! Always UP for a furry, natural guy with a beard. I just don’t get why someone would shave away a large part of what makes you look like a grown man instead of a boy or woman. Why not celebrate what Nature gave you? Why twist yourself into something that you’re not. To each his own. What’s curious to me is that virtually all the guys above that said ‘yuck’ are 40-50+ yo. They grew up and came of age in decades when guys were naturally hairy and often had beards and mustaches. That environment usually shaped a guy’s idea of masculinity. Outside of being a lifter or swimmer, if you shaved down, you would have been laughed out of a gym or gay(or straight) bar as weird. Maybe an attempt to recapture the look of lost youth of the teens/early twenties? Just looks way out of place beyond a certain age.

    I’ve always found people who follow trends like the ‘metrosexual’ look, with all the shaving, plucking, etc. to be insecure about their own identities and taste. Mark Simpson, who coined the term in 1994, said just that. They imitate others who they think are cool. Those people developed their own personal style and by imitating it, you’re just a fake copy of someone else, but not you. Be self aware, true to yourself, be comfortable in your own skin…that will create your own style. You’ll spend your time enjoying life instead of worrying about what others think of you by not following the latest trend. When you’re happy with yourself, you can make others happy too. That’s a sexy guy.

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