MODEL OF THE DAY: Alejandro @ Lucas Kazan


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LUCAS KAZAN: You first saw Alejandro pounding Ettore Tosi in a sizzling Private Sex File. For a change, we go backwards and unveil his XXX solo and a juicy, tell-all interview. 23, from Colombia, but long in Naples, Alejandro admits he’s not “the boyfriend type”. His first time? “When I was 12, 13. With a school mate of mine. I guess he was in love. He’d write love letters too”. Some guys start early, don’t they?

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  1. if he has hips like a woman at this age, what will he be like in his twilight years. NO thanks. total turn off for me

    • No fucking idea what you’re talking about. There’s not a single shot where you can see how his hips are shaped. Pretty much every single shot where you can see his hips, his legs are spread well apart.
      And if you’re more concerned about a guy’s hips than his cock or ass, I’d say you might be on the wrong site.

    • On him like a cover on a book, like sprinkles on a donut, like sheets on a bed, like underwear on a body, like sweat on a hot guy, like dew on the morning grass, like red on Santa, like red on a rose, like whipped cream on a sundae. All more interesting than being on him like a rash.

      Just…..odd, very odd description.

  2. A hot young guy for other hot young guys like me. I like him a lot. Don’t want him to get any more tattoos though. The one small one on the arm is good enough! He’s hot!

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