We’ve all heard that appearances can be deceiving. Nothing, or rather, no one could personify that very expression than Nick Cheney. He might lure you in with his perfect body, chiseled abs, and innocent smile but be careful. Beneath that appearance and illusion of near innocence lurks the dark and debauched soul of a man we’d ALL like to go to bed with! So, unless you want to know what twisted perversions Nick will put you through, we strongly advise you beware.
Blake Mason Amateur British Men in Action. Our solo features usually begin with a short interview, then the guy strips, wanks and cums! Once the interview is over, there’s no more talking until after the money-shot. I guess you could say it’s pretty voyeuristic. Our duo hardcore films start with a quick introduction and then the guys just go for it there is no interaction between them and the guys holding the camera again, a voyeuristic style. However, the bonus films allow you to see some of the weird and funny things that can happen during the shoot – we choose to keep these separate so that the main films stay focused on the action!
THIS GUY HAS A GREAT BODY nice uncut cock
I love to take both
He can be twisted and perverse as much as he wants to me
(read under first pic)
fantastic cock and I just wish we had more of that edible arse.
Ehh…not feelin’ the hood. Just me…
Nice worked body and uncut with extra to chew. Now if he would only lose those damn clippers…there’s a nice natural pelt there that would make him more sexy.
TOO bad for the graffiti
Nice looking, but looks rather bored and disinterested in posing for the camera.
Great looking guy…and I love that hooded cock!!
Oh very nice indeed….I wouldnt say no
Good looking hunk with a delicious looking uncut dick
mmmm proper british man luv em
Don’t like the shaved or clippered look at all, but if it were all natural, he’d be a winner
Good Looking Man!!!
WOW. I liked the men by the naked very much .
grind that hot fukhole in my face buttboi
very nice looking skin on that dick.
MMMMM Luv 4skins
Lurker86; your comments today are slanderous, and defame a man’s character. You have crossed the line.
lurker86, now you’ve gone too far.
I’m almost embarrassed 2 b Canadian living so close to Toronto…
Gotta luv un-cut cock meat Hmmmmmmm
Seriously, hottest guy you’ve featured in ages. Amazing uncut cock mmm…
finally, some foreskin!! Would love to dock with that YUM