Jesse Stone is one tall drink of water that knows how to take and give cock; with those tight abs and an even tighter hole, his presence in the Squirt Studios release “Shower Fuck” is enough to make you drool, cum and then ‘bate and goon a little longer.
If you haven’t subscribed to Squirt Studios yet, you’re missing out on the hottest gay XXX porn scenes to hit the web since Y2K, with the only thing crashing your computer is the hot jizz these scenes will have you jamming your keyboard with. If you need further proof, take a look at Jesse Stone, our latest model, to grace our studio in all his glory.
Amazing body, but way too pale for me! Don’t want to fuck Casper!
Wow so hot
Oh man! Tight!
The stockings are a real turn-off.
Decent enough to look at, hot body, lovely fuckable hole……it’s a yes……it’s a yes to some of his co-stars too
One or two photos of his are okay but all others are a turn off.
I would definitely like to meet him