The egg-ceptional double standard on show in Cadbury’s Crème Egg Gay-te debate.


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Cadbury’s is one of Britain’s best loved and most popular chocolate brands – that might sound crazy but it’s a really ubiquitous British brand. It’s got Queen Elizabeth’s royal warrant by appointment of HM (which is basically posh for Lizzie II’s big seal of approval), we even have a Cadbury’s theme park – Cadbury world which is possibly the closest real-world equivalent to Homer J Simpson’s Land of Chocolate?

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But it’s also always had a reputation for slightly naughty chocolate adverts that have broken boundaries of slightly sultry sexualised chocolate consumption ­– first there was the “Flake girl” who would basically deepthroat a Cadbury’s flake in different settings, the Cadbury’s Caramel cartoon Bunny Girl (voiced in a confusingly coy-come-hither way by queer legend Miriam Margolyes) and even something for the ladies in the Milk Tray Man (like Bond, but with a box of chocs). For years they’ve also had playful messaging around Crème Eggs ­– “How do you eat yours”?

This year to celebrate the humble Crème Egg’s Great Golden “Goobilee” aka its 50th anniversary Cadbury’s have released another ground breaking ad campaign which shows a variety of different ways of consuming the chocolatey treat from “Dippers” who dunk their fingers into to “discrEATers” who like to close the curtains first. It also includes a sweet LGBTQ+ inclusive moment where a same-sex couple of “Sharers” are spinning around on rooftop garden and share the chocolate treat between them in an eggciting romantic moment.

The “Sharers” in question are real life couple Dale Moran (who’s choreographed RuPaul’s Drag Race UK) and Callum Stirling (who’s worked with Rita Ora among others). Their spot in the ad very brief but is possibly sweeter than the chocolate in question but that all boils down to your personal taste.

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Sadly, and somewhat inevitably this inclusive advert has already led to an antagonistic write up in several conversative media outlets including our notoriously right-wing tabloid the Daily Mail who’ve told their readers “not everyone on social media was pleased about the very public display of affection”. This has lead to a slew of derogatory, ill-thought out and stupid comments on their site and on social media network. Here’s what a few accounts have tweeted in response to this coverage of the adverts –

These depressingly dated comments need to be pushed back against as hard as possible – there is nothing remotely harmful to children or “grooming” about chocolate being enjoyed by a same-sex couple. And we’ve had to endure decades of straights noshing on their chocs in a sexually provocative manner I think it’s high time we had more queer inclusive ads so Kudos to Cadbury’s – if you’d like to support them please consider buying Créme Eggs or writing in your support to ASA (that’s right not Ofcom the bigots don’t even know who they’re meant to complain to these days!) or message Cadbury’s your support direct!

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  1. There’s nothing wrong with that commercial. It’s only the homophobes who are upset. You wouldn’t hear any complaining if it were a hetro couple, wouldn’t that be ‘grooming’ also? That’s my point.

  2. I don’t see anyone is complaining about one man kissing another woman in a commercial… So not homophobic? I just think their tweets are unnecessary and hypocritical.

    • I have been a lover of both cock and Creme Eggs for many years and I also happen to own a newsagents shop where I sell both Cadbury products and the Daily Mail. The Mail is notorious for its strong anti-gay opinions so this latest, predictable excuse to try to keep our presence off our screens does not surprise me one little bit. I might also add that I sell about 95% of the Creme Eggs in my shop to fully grown adults and not children, which rather undermines the Mails` argument !

  3. Passionately? I saw playfully, joyous, fun sharing of a Cadbury egg. Gay sex?? They’re not even naked!! Some people really have dirty minds. Dangerously near paedophilia?? I saw 2 adults, no reference to children at all. Can you spell paranoia? Geez!!

  4. There will unfortunately always be a segment of the population who not only will object to such harmless material, but loudly voice their opinion claiming that they speak for the moral majority. Sad but true.

  5. Seems fine to me. I have always loved cream eggs, in moderation. I will shall by more, this season, in support. Great fun.

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