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  1. I’m gonna be honest here, I can see how some people would find him hot, but I’ve never liked the whole “Bodybuilder” look, it’s just too much. Not for me, but if you like him, good on you! 🙂

  2. Just, well, perfection, as other guys here have said. I mean, seriously. This is the definition of a MAN. Maybe with a bit of a bigger bit. But that hair all over that perfect body. I could swim in it forever.

  3. What gets to me is the “come to bed” look and the way the body makes you want to touch. That’s got to be down to the photographer, but he has hung so much muscle on his frame. I’m with Omahajay, he’s the first model I remember taking his body into that fantasy shape Tom of Finland created. Now we expect it of models and the popularity of VR animation suggests to me it isn’t going away anytime soon. Hooray!

  4. Preferences, I know, preferences.

    But I can’t help but laugh at people saying this is too much muscle.

    His body looks natural, proportioned, and well near his physical limit. When I think too much muscle, it’s the many guys, especially now-a-days who are twice PETE’S size, with a ‘roid gut, horrible body acne, etc, from being stupid with steroids.

    Even the guys who use steroids intelligently tend to have an off look to them. I think a physical max is a beautiful thing, overcoming the ultimate physical challenge any man can triumph.

  5. One of the great sex gods. What a hot, sexy stud. You could die a happy man being spitroasted by Kuzak and Carl Hardwick …WOOF!

  6. OMG! First time I have ever made a comment…totally stuck for words! The most beautiful man I’ve ever seen….a fucking GOD!

  7. Definitely OMG, I just cant get over the size of him and proportion. The hair and muscle just hits you, I love the fact that he looks average in the tool department (which in reality I doubt he is) as the muscle takes up most of the view in comparison. Truly genetically gifted!!!

  8. He is one of the guys that fanned my “Body builder fantasy” flame. The shaved pic is not as nice as those hiry pix, but I’m not proud. I would have gone with him even shaved. Is he still around, or is he one of the greats who has gone?

  9. Ah, I just knew that sooner or later some utter retard would come to spit out the word steroids without understanding a single iota about them.

    Nothing about his body indicates steroids. If he did anything, he did a very good job, and it’s more probable he’d have done a pro-hormone cycle than actual steroids to achieve his level of proportion.

  10. As a Colt model, “Pete Kuzak” was/is absolute perfection, maintaining an ideal of “hardworking” manly beauty and charisma that few can match. Tats and piercings neither needed nor necessary. Not absolutely sure but, I think he is now working professionally as a landscape architect/designer working under his real name, not his earlier “professional” name.

  11. And he was “pay for gay” it says. Though supposedly his work was all solo stuff. I’ve lost respect now.

  12. Love guys’ hairy but this was too much even for me. loved the shower picture. Love to suck cock in the shower also get fucked with the water cascading on us great. Any offers need a good fuck right now!!

  13. Kablonker says: I like guys who are in shape, but this guy is so musclebound and veiny that he is grotesque! He has a handsome face, and if he would have just toned it down with the steroids some, he would have been a lot better.

  14. Pete re-awakened my sexuality when his pictures emerged from Colt Studios and got me into the gym and a healthier lifestyle. I don’t care whether a model is gay or straight, or even if they show dick, when they have put that much work into their body and share it with pride, I am hooked. I know lots of bodybuilders who have achieved what Pete achieved without juicing. Superior genetics plays a huge role in that. Pete is a successful landscape architect and if you look him up on YouTube, there is a short clip of him being interviewed for a TV show in that capacity.

  15. Everthing a man should be. Beautiful, sexy, hairy, MASCULINE an overall perfect man. Oh yes, one hell of an ass

  16. He WAS Stunning when he did these pictures. But like any Body Builder who stops his training regiment, he NO Longer looks like this, Unfortunately 🙁 He’s slightly Toned now, has lost half his Head hair, and is into YOGA.
    Oh….and Sorry to tell you this LURKER86, but…. he has ~GULP~ … Tattoos 🙁 Although NOT as freakish or Dis-figuring as many others. Just a Sun design around his Navel, and a few Smaller ones elsewhere. I think he’d still “Moan like a Bitch” though…LOL !!!

  17. PS – And Sorry to Shatter your Fantasies even more, but(t) he has LOST his best ASSet 🙁 Not Flat as a Pancake, however, I doubt you have to worry about him Killing himself over his Loss. He gave a RARE Interview, as he prefers to disappear and Live in the REAL World, and says he is much Happier than he has ever been. May it ever be thus with him 🙂

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