Who Would You Choose? Austyn Roman or Tate Ryder?


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NUDE pics of the boys after the jump!

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  1. Roman has a Leo Giamani thing going for him…only with a cock size I could handle in reality.

  2. I like a cock I can handle, I would rather be tickled then choked. So guess who I would love to get naked with?

  3. Both. Because neither the ink or cock sizes bother me. They’re both cute in their own right.

  4. Without Question.. Austin.
    What he didn’t get in cock size, he got in smile, beautiful skin and lack of tats.
    The other one looks like trash from one of those Russian porn flicks. I’m Barfing over the tats on his hands. Jesus Christ, who did that this boy? Should be in prison.

  5. Please note the guys who choose only on cock size. They won’t take Austin because he’s too small. They reject him for something which is absolutely not his fault. But if you criticize a guy who has disfigured himself with cheap, tats that’s considered cruel to point out that he has willfully and permanently ruined his body.

  6. Both guys are very handsome men, Tate for a fuck & go but deffinately Austin if you get to keep him for a long winters night in that bed 🙂

  7. Both are attractive guys, but neither is “it” for me. Having said that, and with a gun to my head, I’d pick Roman 🙂

  8. WOW, kudos to squirt for showcasing a gorgeous man without a monster cock..for the majority of men out there with cocks of 6 inches or less who always feel inadequate with whatever model is showcased.. thank you. they are both sexy.

  9. Austin asked me to marry him, but I was forced to turn him down. However, I did enjoy him once. 🙂 Yummy.

  10. Definately Austyn. Boxer briefs real turn on and everything about him is perfect to me. The other one eh too many tats and looks trashy. Austyn just looks like the kind of guy I could really enjoy.

  11. Austyn definitely – has a nicer and more inviting smile, and a nicer size dick that is easier to deep throat!!! mmmmm!

  12. Hey I’m a “sucker” for big cock, big head. Only one more thing i want from Ryder. …you guessed it,,his sweet CUM

  13. LOL ! Your sense of Humour Kills me Sgt.! The way you subtly ask your Joke Questions 🙂 But I’ll play along…. Let me think for a while…um…AUSTYN ROMAN !!!! He may not have the Cock the other guy has, but WHO CARES! He doesn’t have that PRO look Tate has ( Sorry, he looks like a Hustler / Prostitute, or so I Don’t offend anyone… an …Escort 🙁 )

  14. omg…Welcome Back LURKER86 ! I Missed you 🙂 And I wrote my comments before I read any of the others, so they weren’t influenced by what anyone else said. Thank God I’m not the only one who is so OSCESSED about cock size, that the guy could look like Goszilla, but because he has a big cock, I should be a pujddle on the floor. But like I’ve said before, when you’re dealing with Sex Addicts & Pigs, it’s to be expected. Sad and pathetic 🙁

  15. If Austyn a roamin’ and Tate a rider, guess as usual, this oral guy goes without. Then there just MAY be some other protein deficient guys in this anal-obsessed city I love. Personally know that the month of May has meant a deficiency in the fun protein source (or sauce – hehe). Should all be sharing guys. Medical fact we ingesting too many carbs 😉

  16. Remember guys-size is not all that matters.Technique is just as important
    Why an intelligent person would disfigure himself with those ugly tattoos is beyond me.


  18. i want tate even if it dose look like he has three arseholes im a bttm what do i care lol

  19. Well with a name like ryder, Tate could “ride” me any time. But really not fussy though!

  20. Austin Roman , no ugly tattoos! i mean what was tate thinking ? looks like a prison inmate !

  21. I was set to say Ryan till I saw the pics. The way Tate shows off his hole makes me think he’d be one hell of a hot aggressive bottom.

    The cock looks like a bit of a treat too!

  22. These two beautiful young men have so much to offer I wouldn’t dare put either of them down. Big cock is always a fun suck, but I’ve never found the average cock any less so – and its so much fun kissing them from head to toe, especially on the balls and head of their cocks and on their head through their hair while giving strong bear hugs…maybe a little too much dad/son there but I cannot choose one over the other. They are both living art.

  23. I honestly would like both, but I’ll say Roman. Honestly, I’ve experienced cocks over 6″, and maybe it’s just because I’m petite, but much larger than 6″ and it goes from pleasure to pain and irritation.

    Plus, I’ve been with more than a few guys with cocks like Roman’s. What they ‘lack’ (I quote it, because even though the cock is ‘short’ it’s the perfect length to slam repeatedly into the prostate) in size, they make up for in velocity. Big guys tend to fuck a little slower, either so they don’t hurt you, or possibly so they can feel more pleasure as there’s more nerves to stimulate. Guys with cocks like Roman’s fuck REALLY fast, and hard, and because they aren’t huge, they can do this without hurting anything sensitive.

    Though, if both boys wanted to share me…I’d have no objections.

  24. With all the charms these two young men obviously possess, I can’t imagine turning either one away because of his cock size, This ol’ Daddy would find hours of mutual enjoyment in each of these hotties without touching their cocks – but don’t look for that to happen, I am very touchy-feely and know what I like and need!

  25. It’s NOT you BLYNDON. It’s just he’s been F*cked by everyone and their Dog ( and it wouldn’t surprise me if that includes the 4 legged kind too 🙁 ) that his Sh*t Hole is Permanently Mutilated. He must have used a Kotex for those pics, as wearing his Depends would have made even the most Die Hard Size Queen throw up at the sight of his Sh*t Leaking Hole 🙁

  26. I agree with (AYA)and would so pick Roman cuz he has a real natural look and tate look so plastic no offance and he is wearing makeup.

  27. wood want ’em both. Tate looks like a long relationship/cuddling mate, plus BIG COCK, butt Austyn looks like he’d give it 2 me nice n’ rough and luv his sly devilish smirk, A REAL TURN-ON 😛

  28. Austyn hands down, very nice sexy body, love that smile, and a man in boxer briefs is a real turn on. Nice looking cock for me to suck on too, over and over and over!

  29. get over the size of the cock and get over the tattoos already!! it is a simple question “who would you choose?” now to answer the question…AUSTYN ROMAN

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