WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE? DAVE (@ Patheon Bear) or MARCUS ISAACS (@ Raging Stallion)


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  1. BOTH as i’m a great fan of hairy chests and MORE SO hairy BACKS so to be spit roasted by these 2 hunks would be SENSATIONAL

  2. it would most certainly be Dave specially in his jock love to get my tongue working that beautiful arse before fucking him he is what bears are meant to be like

  3. Marcus has it all for a porn star..furry stud with a fine cock and edible ass. Saw him up close at RS backstage party at last month’s Folsom. Woof!! Met Dave back in ’08 at a bear run. Grrr! We stabbed the same steak on the grill, split it and have been email buds ever since. It’s apples and oranges. Marcus has a young swimmer’s build, hits the gym daily for his career in porn and for escorting on RentBoy. Dave is 52, is the bear next door type, has a career in the real world, has done a porn solo and some pics for fun hoping to find a LTR. Two guys with quite different ages, careers, points of view. Each is great in their own way. I’ll take both. Both can fuck, but Dave can cook too…lol!

  4. I’ll take ’em both. For opposite reasons. What’s that expression?
    “sometimes you feel like a butt–sometimes you don’t” Or was it “nutt” Either way…

  5. I have to agree with hairypecs..I want both..really like the ink on Markus & both are so sexy & hairy & just so mouth watering..1 for dinner & 1 for desert..maybe both for dinner & both for desert..I like what both of them got to offer..

  6. so glad we all have different tastes as we would be fighting over the same ones all the time… but is it necessary to say nasty or negative comments if someone is not your type? be kind or just don’t comment, we don’t care if you don’t like hairy guys or you find hair gross! Some find hairless boys rather childish and unappealing but each to his own!

  7. I would love to do both, love hairy guys in the right places.

    Both are dessert for me….yummmmmmmmmmmmy

  8. As soon as I saw that hairy ass on Marcus, my decision was made. Damn but I want to bury my face in there.

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