DUSTINDEVINPRIDE STUDIOS: With no school this semester and a whole summer to kill, Devin’s mom thought it would be a good idea for him to spend some time with his step uncle at the wood shop. Dustin isn’t that much older than Devin, and the two of them have always had a great bond that can’t really be explained, so Devin happily takes a visit to see what Uncle Dustin is up to. But today is the day Uncle Dustin becomes just Dustin to Devin, at least around the wood shop. Dustin tells him he knows that Devin has been fooling around with his step cousin, and Devin’s jaw hits the ground when he finds out that Dustin was the one who showed the cousin a trick or two. Devin soon begins to piece together that he’s in quite the fucking family, and now that he knows Uncle Dustin is in on the family secret, this summer at the wood shop promises to be quite the growing experience.
Dustin just had the edge
Pass .. if these two are models !? .. there’s hope for us all
Not for me.
Dustin, if he got rid of the beard
Nooooooo ! Two unattractive guys with hideous tats. Dont we deserve better than this ? ? ?
None of them thank you, there is nothing attractive about them.
the guy with the glasses has more potential
lol, omG those titty tattoos, no thanks I’m good.
PASS PASS PASS … that beard is far too large, those oglong googles are awful …
Yuck, pass on both. At least they got the trailer title right. CREEPYYYYY
Dustin, I would just eat him up