I Need A Hero… (30 PICS)


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  1. I wants go swimming with the men in the naked so we all will go in the swimming pool together.It will be fun for us.We will be naked for long time in the swimming so we could stay in the water by the swimming pool.We will have lots of sex in the swimming pool.

  2. I see a few tasty treats here. But the fisting…YOW! I’ll never get that one. To each his own I guess…..

  3. More than a few Studs here to get a guy Hot, but… I noticed you posted his pic 3 times ( coincidence?..I think Not 😉 ) and I’d have to afree, he is simply Ass 7 Mouth Looking ! And those nipples…OMG… Silver Dollar Beauties I could Suck on all Day and Night ( among other things 😉 ) He’s my Hero Sgt. Thanks ! 🙂
    PS – He’s the Stud with RUDYKPHOTOGRAPHY.COM on his pic(s)

  4. ooops, should read ..I’d have to AGREE, he is simply Ass &(AND) Mouth Watering Looking!

  5. by the way, some Vintage pics are Best Left in the Past, better still, buried or destroyed. I bet he had the voice of a High Pitched Hummingbird, considering his Vocal Chords must have been squeezed by the Guys hand inside him. 🙁

  6. So many hot pics here, and guys don’t knock it till you’ve tried it 🙂
    I’ve always been a Hungry bottom looking for the next big dick, I took my first fist at age 22 and at 25 I couldn’t tell you how many fists Ive taken, and yes I do still get guys gusshing over how Tight my arse is when they give me cock

  7. No 3 for that sexy light colour pubic hair but the No 6 with that red pubic hair put me on heat……such pubic hair are so rare now…

  8. I have this thing about foreskins! Just love to nibble on them. So # 3,7,11,18,& 19 would get my undivided attention. I could also dive into # 23’s sweet looking hairy ass. Would love to eat that ass!

  9. a lot of really good ones love the model Jimmy Tharpe in the series that u showed in the rudykphotograpy.com photos and that creamy black guy those have to be my favs but there are a lot of other good ones there as well coach..nice one mate!!!!!

  10. I found my dream guy.. #4.. Perfect in every way. Would love that body and dick, like to suck him off,swallow his hot cum (bet there is a lot too) then suck him hrd and have him drive that bid dick in my ass for a couple hours.

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