Small Penis? You May Be A Bottom!


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via Accidental Bear:Turns out Republicans and gay men do have something in common: They’re both unhappy with a new study the National Institutes of Health subsidized in order to find out if a gay man’s penis size has any correlation to his sexual health According to The Daily Caller, the Hunter College Center for HIV/AIDS Educational Studies Training research, titled “The Association between Penis Size and Sexual Health Among Men Who Have Sex With Men,” was initiated in 2006 and surveyed 1,065 gay men. Among its key findings: Those gay men who felt they had small or inadequate penis sizes were more likely to become “bottoms,” or anal-receptive, while gay men with larger penises were more likely to identify themselves as “tops,” or anal-insertive. Another discovery from the research: Men with smaller penises were more likely to be psychologically troubled than those with larger genitalia. The goal of the study was to understand the “real individual-level consequences of living in a penis-centered society.”


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  1. Irony being that the bottom in this picture if fucking hung! gorgeous cock.

    I’ve bottomed for a lot of guys with various sizes, and topped as well. Tops who are average or a bit small are actually some of the best. They typically are perfectly-sized to be constantly stimulating my prostate, but not so large that they cause pain when the whole thing is inside. So they also can fuck a lot more violently, and I can take it longer because there’s little pain involved.

    Not saying I never take/enjoy big cocks, but the average guys have a lot more going for them.

    The study is interesting indeed. Personally, I’ll never understand how anyone can limit themselves to only one sexual position. I’d die if I never topped again and die if I never bottomed again.

  2. load of crap, i;ve found naby a guy with big cocks are bottoms and love my small one inside them oral or anal.

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