21 years old
5’6″ | 140 pounds | 7 inches, cut
GISP: You might know me as NudeThought, Will, “hot nerdy twink”, or Solow19. I’m just a dude trying to live life the way I want to. I’m a white kid in the city, and sometimes a brown man under the country sun. A little strange, and hardly what anyone expected. I couldn’t be anything other than what I am.
Almost all of my exes live in Texas, but I’m not leaving to hang my hat anywhere else just yet. Houston is my home.
I’m into EDM, folk, metal, classic country, classic rock, rap, and I might have the biggest crush in the world on Ariana Grande. I love lifting heavy in the gym, and I’m working on becoming a professional athlete. Long distance skating (on a longboard) and downhill skating (on a longboard) are my two sports of choice. I love to travel by board and work for charity. Did I mention that I’m a nerd? I’m obsessed with anime, computers, and video games. You can learn more about me, my work, and the Bizarro World I live in on twitter: @WillBraunXXX.
Not too skinny, not too muscular, and the face, hair, facial hair and cock are all perfection. Will Braun is the new face of my wet dreams tonight. Austin was the lucky guy in the photos above. I wish it were me. Damn, I usually like it rough but right now I think I’m falling in love (fuck yeah, I can love a guy as long he’s never heard of monogamy).
Very nice guy, and forever may he stay away from the ‘inkers needle’.
Cute guy! But Austin Wilde he´s a hot fucker! yummy
awesome cock ass and bod.. would rim and suck him alllllll day long!!!!!
If anyone in Australia is commenting, this guy looks like the guy from My Kitchen Rules reality show
I’ve got shoes older than this boy, give him 10 more years and then maybe we’ll talk. He is cute and has a Beautiful cock, but with age he’ll ripen even better.
It would have been hotter for me to see him sit on Austin’s cock
Have to admit here he is kinda cute.
such a great, meaty ass for such a young guy!!
It’s good to see him in action, too.
They both have a nice big thick cocks.
sure he is not 15???? lol
Boy could I have a good time tongueing that great ass!!!
Better without the dorky glasses but his is so obviously posing that I have to say there are much hotter posers out there.
Still, he’s a good example of the distorted fantasy life of a feckless gay guy: He says his dick is 7″. Really? On what planet? As for the girth, that is the most girlish looking dick I’ve seen this year.
I LOVE nerds. He is so sexy with his specs. And yes: great cock and ass too…
This kid has a nice cock and great balls! I’d do him. The other guy is sporting sexy armor and a great cock! Give me both!
@lurker86 If you are just the same in person as you portray yourself online, I can imagine you having the biggest funeral..people coming to pay their respect with their spits and stones and slaps, probly even your lil mommy, if you haven’t already done her in 🙂
peace n love old hag
I can’t wait to see how he looks after a few more months of lifting heavy. Providing he’s eating enough he should potentially look terrific.
hey lurker86
You’d be better with a paper bag over your head and gagged. And you’re a good example for everyone of what not to become – a bitter, jaded hag clinging to his distorted image of himself.
He’s a hottie
both has very hot asses that i would like to rimm yummy