What’s The Best Way To Kiss?: Conner Habib Ask The Sexpert


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Conner Habib is back, and once again he has brought along a pal for this week’s video, which is all about how to kiss. Watch above as Conner and his very lucky friend Justin demonstrate both the good, and bad, of making out for seven long minutes. We’re pretty sure it is the best thing you will see all day.

And, as always, be sure to tweet Conner your sex questions and check out his blog.

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  1. Here we go again irritated by this Connor Habib moron. If he’d only shut up or speak at a reasonable pace and actually say something of significance

  2. If a gay man can’t kiss, he may as well dead cause he ain’t gettin nuthin’ anything from me.
    And there is nothing worse than someone who BELIEVES he can kiss but can’t do anything but smear saliva all over his partner’s face. Further, I’ve discovered that such guys won’t take any advice on how to improve their technique; just like a quais-woman bottom who won’t take a top’s direction for positioning in order to maximize the top’s delight. Pathetic.

  3. Them kissing was pretty hot at the end, would’ve loved to see the video continued after that as I’m pretty sure they must have fucked around after that..

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