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  1. Loves these posts, they bring back memories of some good times! Always love to look back at the fun I had!

  2. I love the guys in the leather shop — shopping like they’re at Macy’s. And yes, flamingkisser, they were good — and innocent — times.

  3. Very memorable photos of the days when there was quality instead of quantity. The late 70’s through the 80’s truly were the golden age of porn. William Higgins, Matt Sterling and so forth made high quality videos that stand the test of time. They featured hot men and action. The current videos and stars are nothing like this. Once in awhile I see something worth while but most of the actors look like people that would scare me if I met them in a dark alley….even Falcon has slid since Chuck died. Jack Wrangler in Wrangler the movie said that they tried to make quality videos and now they just mass produced stuff to throw out on the market and the guys have 15 minutes of fame if that. How many of the current stars from the past couple of years can you name and how many can you name from the golden era…I absolutely will not waste my money on 80% of this current stuff…I fall asleep watching it…

  4. I agree with my friend, Tallpaulor, that the 70’s and 80’s were the ‘golden age’ of porn. So often, the X-Tube clips here are generic and lack any attempt at quality. Many are amateur, but there are those that try to use different angles, good balanced lighting and zoom in on the action…somehow those don’t usually get posted here. Even, the pro porn clips so often seem stilted…the guy stares off into space bored and disconnected from his partner or the grunts and moans not in sync with the action…like badly dubbed foreign films. Even the big studios look back on these days with respect…so why don’t they produce better…the consumer keeps buying their crap…so, stop buying and let them know why….and watch the old classics until they make new ones.

  5. Those WERE the days. But they are long gone. I have a bunch of those “oldies” and treasure them. They are so much better than the new films.. I also have a collection of magazines and books from the “old days of porn”. A hell of a lot hotter and better than the crap put out these days.

  6. There really was a certain “high quality” to the “Gay Men’s” mags back in the ’70s and ’80s. I only happened upon it from time to time—but it was great to look at. Thanks for posting up these continuing pictorials featuring such classic stuff.

  7. In all this celebration of how great things were, let’s not lose sight of the fact that they’re still making men. Gorgeous men. Young, hung, handsome and just plain stunning. The difference in porn lies partially in the quality/quantity area, but it’s not the actors’ fault. I think the responsibility lies with the producers and directors who just want to churn this stuff out as fast as they can — gratify the moment, screw the legacy. More porn with story lines, a little feeling and emotion thrown in, and some creativity in terms of scenes anad reactions would be welcome. And maybe if studios treated their talent like they had, well, talent — and rewarded loyalty with greater and longer-lasting exposure and marketing, we’d remember today’s porn stars the way we do the Al Parkers and Jeff Strykers of not-so-long-ago. Remember when porn actors didn’t just perform on video? Their pics were everywhere — magazines, “photo sets” (remember those?) and personal appearances — the actor was a celebrity, not just a one-dimensional money shot.
    And with all the media choices we have today (as opposed to yesterday), we should be seeing MORE memorable porn dudes, not less. It’s the marketing, not the man.

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