So, you all know it, have it, produce it, shoot it, and take pride in it,.,,, what is it? Sperm!
Even though these little guys are so teeny-tiny it is important you know exactly what you’re dealing with, before sharing it with others!
Here are some fascinating sperm facts:
Believe it or not, your Semen only contains about 10% sperm – the rest consists of enzymes, vitamin C, calcium, protein, sodium, zinc, citric acid and fructose sugar – move over Mizone!!
Some people complain at the taste of semen…. you can help! While there are no studies to support it, it is generally received that kiwifruit, celery, pineapple, and watermelon can all make semen taste lighter. Heavy beer and coffee drinkers are said to produce bitter-tasting ejaculate. Alkaline-based fish and meats make for a buttery taste.
A Healthy male produce about 70-150 million sperm a day – but when you ejaculate, you can lose 3 times that – that’s why you seem so wiped out after sex.
There are male and female sperm – the females are slower, but stronger, while the males are faster, but weaker.
Average volume of semem per ejaculation is 1 teaspoon, which equates to about 200-500 million of those little guys in the average amount of semen produced each time you release.
The average speed of semen at the moment of ejaculation is 31 mph – which is faster that Peruvian Jaguar.
The human male ejaculates on average distance of 7 to 10 inches, the world record for the farthest spoof is 18 feet!!
Hey! I didn’t know I held a world record! lol
that’s why it taste so good. it’s good for you 🙂
Well blow me.. I did not know that.