Proof You Can Be SUPER Hot With A Flaccid Dick (STOP shaving off the pubes though!)


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  1. I agree with AYA. He is soft in the pictures. I’ve seen men who were a tiny 3 inches long and thin when flaccid but grew to a beautiful 7 or 8 thick inches when erect. I’d hit that in a second and help him reach his full potential all day long.

  2. I’d replace the words “small dick” with “average or normal as opposed to porn star-sized dick”. And it’s flaccid – it also looks mouthwatering (that long silky foreskin would taste great). His sweet little ass is also a perfect target for my tongue!

  3. whats with the size queens? Its not the size but how you work it and carry yourself. Mines not huge but not small either but still gets the job done. 😉

  4. I agree with uncutrobbie….give it to me soft and let me coax it to hardness and while I’m at it I’ll swallow that delicious looking nut sack

  5. uncutrobbie knows how it’s done. tongue juggle that skin tip all day long. he’s handsome with a great bod … I need both hands – gotta go

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