John Travolta Lawsuit: Second Masseur Files Sexual Battery And Harassment Suit Against Actor (via HUFFPOST GAY)


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A second masseur has come forward with allegations of sexual battery and harassment against John Travolta, one day after the actor was hit with a similar lawsuit.

RadarOnline reports that the second alleged victim, who is identified in the documents only as “Doe Plantiff No. 2,” claims to have “substantial documentation and numerous witnesses regarding the substance of Travolta’s actions.” The site notes that the second accuser — who is said to have worked at an unspecified Atlanta-based resort — is also being represented by the same lawyer as the first. Both are seeking $2 million in punitive damages, and in the amended complaint, they are both now suing Travolta for sexual harassment as well.

“[Travolta had] a strange demeanor, bloodshot eyes and climbed onto the already setup massage table…Travolta removed the entire sheet from his body, and he claimed the sheets were sticky and could not tolerate the heat…Travolta further indicated that he likes a lot of ‘Glutes’ work meaning a massage on his buttocks…While [the plantiff] was massaging near Travolta’s buttocks area, Travolta would open his legs and spread his butt cheeks open and had a full erection and would maneuver in a way to try to force Doe Plaintiff No. 2 to touch his anus and around his anus.”

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Travolta suddenly turned on his stomach with his legs wide open with a full erection. He then tried to force Doe Plaintiff No. 2’s hand on Travolta’s scrotum. Then, Travolta started to grab, rub and caress Doe Plaintiff no. 2’s upper thighs and buttocks….Travolta still had an erection and wanted his abdominals done, but Travolta’s erection was in the way and he refused to have his penis covered by a sheet of a pillow case cover.”


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  1. John’s not in the best shape of his life, no. But still, why turn him down? He’s still very handsome and for his age, his body is quite nice.

    At the very least, I’d have secretly filmed it, and enjoyed the whole experience…then sent the tape into!

  2. He’s still a good-looking man, with or without the toupee. And I’ll bet Tom Cruise is getting pretty nervous right about now.

  3. they say the fully nude and erection parts as if they’re uncharacteristic of a massage. Im always fully nude,and I always have an erection while getting massaged. It’s pretty normal. Wearing a sheet doesnt help much anyway. They just pull it down to massage your glutes anyway.

  4. MONEY…..its all about the money. Such a shame to turn down an opportunity to play.

  5. The “Church” of Scientology will probably have these guys “exterminated”. They certainly wouldn’t want to taint their cash cow. Speaking of taint, I wonder how hairy he is down there?

  6. 2MILLION$ !!!!!!! What a joke. Only reason for this is the guy is a celebrity. If an everyday Joe popped a woody on the massage table most that would happen is he would be shown the door. Pathetic!

  7. I encountered Mr. “straight” John Travolta( or after seeing him, Miss Revolta 🙁 ) years ago in Vancouver where he was doing some Sh*t that went straight to the Garbage I believe ( even video rejected it) and he made Micheal Jackson look like a Straight Fag Basher ! I’ve never seen ANYBODY actring and looking as Queeny & Nelly as Mr. “Revolta” in my life! I hope they win their Law Suit, and should actually be Suing for more. His Scientology movie still gives me Nightmares, and all I saw was the trailer…ONCE ! 🙁

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