NOT COOL! Department of Homeland Security Helps NYP Raid and Shut Down RENTBOY.COM…


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On Tuesday, August 25th, U.S. authorities announced the arrests of the chief executive officer and six employees of for promoting prostitution through what prosecutors described as the largest online male escort service. CEO Jeffrey Hurant and the employees were charged in a criminal complaint filed in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, as authorities moved to seize bank accounts holding $1.4 million and the website’s domain name.

Sgt. Coach is not happy about all of this going down. Below are a few links to articles about this story. I’m sure you have read and seen a lot on the subject already. Please sound off with your thoughts in the comments section.

DAVID MACK @ BUZZFEED gives some facts and you can also read the 22 page Complaint.

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6 Thoughts on the Bust from 1 Angry, Gay Libertarian @ REASON.COM


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Jeffrey Hurant of, after his arraignment in Brooklyn on Tuesday, said the site brought “good people together.” Pic: Kevin Hagen for The New York Times

Justin James @ THE DAILY BEAST chimes in.

And I guess this isn’t happening anymore…

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  1. When is the uptight government going to mind their own fucking business.

    And, I would hope that the company and the execs kept most of their assets offshore for this very reason. (Actually, that advice applies to most Americans these days due to the unconstitutional actions by the govt but I digress.)

  2. It might had helped if they had a better name for their company. Still, the government should mind its own business.

  3. Doesn’t surprise me, The U.S. just legalized same sex marriage. The Americans (especially Republican men) are still arguing over women’s abortion rights. They really need to stay out of women’s vagina’s and gay men’s bedrooms. It’s going to take the U.S. another 10 years to catch up to the human rights and freedoms we have here in Canada. So sad 🙁

  4. I’m unclear on the issue here…we all know that prostitution is illegal…whether that makes sense or not is another thing…but if you’re going to be indiscreet in running a business of that nature, getting busted shouldn’t come as a surprise…

  5. Religions and communists are as bad as red neck government. They are not worried about people are starving and has no jobs but they stick their noses check see who have sex with whom and how they have sex.

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