A Bear & His Pinups Magazine… His Porn… and in his backyard…


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  1. Possibly the Most Dis-gusting & Revolting videos you’ve ever posted on Squirt. OMG !!!

  2. MaculineFoothillsMan dont watch it, dont click on it, dont reply to it. get over yourself you insipid flacid old man.

  3. PS to foro – As soon as I saw what was on-screen, I logged off. Absolutely Horrifying ! 🙁

  4. First off u have to like Bears, and the 3rd video was the best,
    He does have a nice cock, Maybe he’s just not everyone’s type,
    But really boys, MaculineFoothillsMan & Foro Grow Up and take
    your hate for each other somewhere else please! This is not
    the forum for it ! There is enough hate in the World !

  5. This video is real man having real fun and not afraid to post it to the web…more than can be said for most here. As a fan of bears I bet that this guy would be great fun….nice hairy chest, a good sized cock, facial hair….and would jump at the chance to play with him.

  6. Thanks Coach for posting videos of a bearish man. Great furry chest and nice cock. Wish that Fleshjack was my mouth.

  7. Careful spritzr. JORO might tell you to go play in traffic. LOL ! ;-)I’d ask if I could pick you up in my car for a date instead 🙂

  8. Well, I think he is beautiful …. and I would so enjoy sorting him out so he doesn’t need that Fleshjack any more! Thanks for posting these vids, Coach!

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