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Daily Squirt featured porn hottie Dale Cooper (left) yesterday… now here he is in action. Love how he whimpers when he’s getting fucked! Mr. Cooper is my new fave boy.

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  1. Very hot and sexy guys having the kind of fun that only guys can give one another!!! Great vid!

  2. Now THIS is gay porn at its finest! Maybe these three are great actors, but they seem unjaded and genuinely turned-on by each other (and maybe even showing tenderness for each other). Love the emphasis on kissing and the hot rimming action. Yeah, I jerked off twice watching this, too!

  3. I thought this was wonderful! Todays commercial porn is so damned boring and most of the models turn me off. Nice to see some people that actually are turned on to each other have some great sex…that is the biggest turn on of all.

  4. I agree with TallPaulor this vid was natural, alot better than the crap corriographed, same positioned, same shot, shame oh not another shitty dubbed script, good one SGT.

  5. I’ve only just been introduced to Dale Cooper (via DailySquirt, thank you VERY much), but I aready can tell what kind of performer he is.

    He’s like one of those singers who has an…okay voice, nothing special, but pours all their heart into interpretting and performing a song as best as they can.

    He’s the Judy Garland of gay porn, basically XD

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