CAM ‘N CUM 2013 WINNERS for AUGUST 15th, 2013!!!


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Hey members, just click the video title to view!

1    rainy day in texas    nacho125

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That’s right… show off that super fine fur pelt of yours Nacho125…WHOA!!! NICE LOAD!!!

2    hot hot fck    Horniboi1

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In and out, in and out, slapping sound, slapping sound, slapping sound… pull out & smile…

3    Dinner    ashumz88

This looks more like dessert to me… a manly cream filled eclair!

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  1. Still lovin’ that Nacho.

    Can’t get enough of that amazing body — his cumshot ain’t bad, either. And that smile ….

  2. Why is the same guy winning over and over??
    Does not seem fair to me! Seems very objective in some way.
    Is it rigged somehow? If it’s votes that decide these things then I am sure they could easily be falsified.
    Not saying there is anything wrong with videos, just seems strange that the same guy is able to win over and over!!

  3. same guy again ?? i have put complaint in to dickhunter about this vids are same just different clothing and theres far better on ere than the winner

  4. just seems like its fixed to win it 3 times in a row when theres 1000`s of videos on here but somehow everybody likes him ? hmmmm wouldnt it make you wonder

  5. Hi Squirt Men,
    The results are calculated based on the votes and the views of the daily uploads. There is nothing fixed. He is just simply the winner based on the rules of the contest. Make sure you check out the latest videos and you vote for your favourites every day and if you like somebody ask your friends as well to vote for him.
    Or just simply upload a better video. We want to see it all.
    Enjoy the videos.

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