Chris Evans’ Handsome Face… That Is All…


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  1. Very nice, I am not crazy for whiskers, BUT these I could take to tickles my balls and ass before he fucks the hell out of my hot hungry ass

  2. On the other hand, if you had a pic of just Ben Godfre’s Handsome Face….. ~sigh~ 😉

  3. Far be it from me to ever agree with Maculine, but I have to say I genuinely have no clue who this guy is.

    There might be a nice face underneath all that foliage, but really the only thing that stands out are his eyes…well, his irises, because even his eye shape doesn’t really stir anything.

  4. He’s only the hottest and most popular male movie star in America right now, if last weekend’s box office stats are any indication. Google him and admire.

  5. Ah, movie star. That says it all. I’ve barely watched any movies released in the last two decades.

  6. Attractive yes,handsome meh! Funny how the more popular a celebrity becomes the sexier and hotter they become.Most of these guys would garner a glance at most if they worked at the mall or pumped your gas.Big box office makes them sexy not their face. Case in point that greasy buffoon Robert Patinson.

  7. Attractive yes,handsome meh! Funny how the more popular a celebrity becomes the sexier and hotter they become.Most of these guys would garner a glance at most if they worked at the mall or pumped your gas.Big box office makes them sexy not their face.

  8. I didn’t recognize him with a Beard. He looks like Sh*t with it, and I sure wouldn’t give him a 2nd look. Funny how some guys look better Clean Shaven, and this Chris Evan is one of them. My advice…DON’T TRY TO BUTCH IT UP HONEY ! IT ISN’T YOU ! 🙁

  9. PS – Don’t let any pics of you be taken without your Make up on either. You’re in Definate need of a Deep Cleansing PORE treatment session, followed up by a Beauty Session with Ru Paul 😉

  10. @Maculinefoothillsman let me tell u something Ben who is not famous number one and could only wish he had the fame that Chris Evans has…next ben wears a lot of make up in his photo shoots to make him look the way he does..Chris Evans is a proper man, a real man, something that that tired washed up gaping hole ben will never be..just so u know! and again ben who?? doesnt even know and care who u are..he is too busy taking dick to mind ur parasitic self!

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