CumUnion Parties – September 2019


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  1. How about hosting one of these parties in Arizona? Men are starved in this state for anything like this;-)

    • Well, you could check the CumUnion website regarding “hosting one of these parties” but, one of the key points is there needs to be an EXISTING play space–a gay bathhouse, gay sauna, gay campground, etc–that’s big enough to host an event.

      From CumUnion’s website’s “About” page:

      Q: When are you going to have a party in my city?

      A: We are open to having a party in any location where it is legal to have a CumUnion Party. Contact your local play space and ask them to contact us. Venues are much more likely to host a CumUnion party if their customers ask them to.

      So, if there’s no such place in Arizona, your odds of getting one there are pretty unlikely. If there is such a place in Arizona, then get with the owner/operator and get them to host an event.

  2. What is the procedure for attending one of these parties? Any chance one being hosted in Ohio? If not, Pittsburgh is closest to me.

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