Daniel Garofali by Rick Day


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  1. Hot guy. Hair is a bit odd. Looks great in his undies…would look even better OUT of them!!!

  2. Great Muscled & Toned Body. And although not the Best looking Stud you’ve featured ( and what’s with the Bee Hive Boufant Hairdo?! It was Hideous in the 50’s and 60’s and Sorry, it’s still hideous 🙁 ) with the Right Personal Image Maker, he could find a look that makes him look less Village People Gay.

  3. LOL !Damn you S & M ! Felt someone was typing over my shoulder, and if I hadn’t written a novel, I’d have been first. But nice to see we’re in Synch about that God Awful Hairdo. Makes him look too Modelish / I have Inner Woman Issues.

  4. i dont know what people are talking about, i fucking love the hair! Very attractive guy, extremely hot

  5. What hair?

    Of course, what do I know? Don’t shop; do my nails; and keep my hair down to a No. 4 clipper!

  6. All that magnificence and you guys are fussing about his hair? Buy him a hat if it bothers you that much.

  7. Who gives a fuck about that beautiful man’s hair ? I would love him no matter what, just to be between his legs or be under him getting a royal fucking.What a fucking body he has !!

  8. He should be careful with his foot in that Tree yoga pose. Shouldn’t be putting his foot there, could injure his knee. Then I would have to come look after him. 🙂

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