How To Break Up With Your Fu*k Buddy: Conner Habib Ask The Sexpert (via NEWNOWNEXT)


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We all love us a fu*k buddy guys (and girls), but sometimes it can be hard (HA!) when that purely physical relationship comes to an end.

Watch above as Conner Habib breaks down what the end of banging can mean in a brand new Ask the Sexpert, and what the implications can, and may, be.

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And be sure to tweet Conner your sex questions and check out his blog.

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  1. Seriously??? We’re guys. Why would you need to ‘break up’ with a fuck buddy. There’s nothing ‘exclusive’ about being fuck buddies. If there is a particular buddy you’re tired of and really can’t see wanting to fuck again, and he asks you over to his place or something, just say “Sorry, bud, you just don’t do it for me anymore” and leave it at that. That’s why I don’t worry about this gay marriage shit. One of the joys of being gay is NOT being monogamous and having most of your fuck buddies understand that!!!

  2. Yeah, the advice is too gay. The guy has found someone else, not you, deal with it. Maybe if it falls over he’ll be back. In the meantime, get another fuck buddy.

  3. Yes, really. Jesus, can there not be one post on here that has a bit more depth than jizz and ass without there being any negativity???!!! I come here to jack off like anyone else, sure, but I also have a heart and a mind and a place in this world and society. Sometimes fuck buddies are just that, sometimes there’s way more. I actually thought this was a sweet and honest reply to a genuine question. And as for worrying about ‘this gay marriage shit’ – that’s where I type ‘SERIOUSLY?!’ and ‘REALLY?!’. Stop being so ignorant. The fight for marriage equality is not whether or not you believe in marriage or want to get married yourself; it’s ensuring that people are treated fairly and equally. Fight to get it approved and then bash it all you want.

  4. Gosh, I want to be like you guys — souless assholes who have what appears to be not a single shred of decency in thinking about someone else. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be hearts and flowers, but a little courtesy goes a long way. I’ve said goodbye to more than my fair share of fuckbuddies and while there have been some I really regretted losing the sex part with, I’ve never begrudged them their happiness, because it’s THEIR happiness that matters, not mine. Connor tried to cover all the bases with the question and you people shit all over him for his reply. Get over yourselves.

  5. i will try again lol jhawkcock and arion_5 are the type of fuck buddies i want not the ruthless feel nothing asses that have no feelins a fuck buddie relationship is based on something

  6. Jhawkcock was eloquent in his simplicity. Is it so hard to treat our fellow humans with civility and thoughtfulness? Is your male ego so frail that thinking of others diminishes you as a man? As Randomguyva points out, what kind of a fukbud would you be? We’ve all run into the type..he gets his rocks off and now that HE’s done…so are you..bye. The word gets around about what an ass you are and soon you’re strokin’ it alone…as it should be. As gays, we’re often treated marginally. Shouldn’t that be enough to remind us to treat our own better? Being kind, thoughtful and polite is manly. It shows your mature, disciplined and in control of the situation. Those that do otherwise are insecure about themselves and lack empathy..ignore them. There’s plenty of cool guys to play with out there.

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