One HOT Dude: Michael Fassbender


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Fassy is one hot thin duke. I would just love to get my hands & lips all over that! And don’t even start me on that cock of his!

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MORE sexy pics of Fassy after the jump!

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“Unless you have exhibition tendencies, which I don’t, you don’t feel that comfortable parading around naked in front of a room full of strangers.”

“But it just had to be done. It was an essential part of getting inside the psyche of the character. , It’s my job. I’ve got to facilitate these things. You just roll up your sleeve, but I didn’t have any on, then you’ve got to just go for it.”

– Fassbender on his “Shame” nude scenes.

Fassbender’s nude shots from the movie SHAME. (in all their grainy, NSFW shot-on-a-cellphone-camera-at-the-movie-theatre glory. Enjoy!) VIA OMG!)

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  1. i guess its easy to run naked when you a a dick like that! And a nice body too… Lucky man he is!

  2. Wish he would develop a big tendency for exhibition. He’s really nice and hot, great eye candy. I’d crawl between the sheets with him anytime he wanted.

  3. I nearly came in my pants when I watched SHAME in the cinema – Fassbender is hung like a horse……….and, of course, he’s Irish!!!

  4. OMG… you sit in movie theatre, and ..OMG… Mastubate in Public like a Pervert, and you’re Proud of it ?! OMG !!!
    But to stay on topic ( personally, I would have called the COPS if I saw some Sicko doing that. Ask Pee Wee Herman what happens when you Jerk off in public) he is Hung with a nice cock.

  5. Utterly stunning man.. amazing cock.. but he was total shit in X-men first class.. I’ve seen wooden legs give a better performance. I think his reputation (ie his cock), is the thing that has Hollywood buzzing, but Americans are too hypocritical to call a spade a spade.

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