CHAOS MEN: Solomon offers up some advice that he’d give to his 21 year-old self when he was starting in the biz, and he has nothing but positive things to say about his time spent with ChaosMen. Thanks, Solomon!

I’m sure you all remember how flirty Solomon is, and he doesn’t disappoint. Solomon flashes his signature devilish grin at the camera before whipping out his dick. He reclines on the bed and strokes his cock while massaging his hole.

Solomon gets up on his knees and continues to work his dick, tugging on his balls before asking if you’d like to see his ass. He flips around and showcases his ASSets for the camera before reclining once more against the pillows.

Solomon works up a thick load that his blasts on his thigh before sampling a taste of his nut.

He’s gotten even hotter.
SO so but hardly a sex God
I concur. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, but I wouldn’t stay up at night thinking about him
I would let him do unspeakable things to me 😜
Hot hotty hotter!!!! Let’s wrestle, OK you just pinned me now I am yours to use so please use me all night and day long!!!! I would like to find him under the tree this week!!! Woof Woof!!!!
He was hotter when he just had his name tattooed on him; it was silly then, but compared to now? The rest of the ink is so unnecessarily distracting. (Just like with J J Knight. His early tats were silly but he’s gone into ink overload.)
“Sex god” is definitely an overstatement. Bring back Ruggery Valdivia, then we can talk.
Fuck me, that is a hot guy! Gorgeous, great smile, nice body, just the thing to unwrap Xmas morning.
seen worse. i would give him a ride