SGT. COACH needs to know…


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Hey dudes, so when I share fun porn clips from all over the nets… pop-ups occur quite frequently.
We’ve been having that trouble @ Daily Squirt with Porn-Hub & X-Video. So I’ve been searching through other sources (X-Tube and what have you)… but goddamn it, X-Tube has the best shit… like this prison rape threesome scene featured below… had me strokin’ like nobody’s business.
Came buckets.

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Anyway, are these pop-ups a major drag for you? … or can you tolerate them from time to time
like a mosquito bite or a bad lay?

Please tell me, and I’ll do what you say. I’m being submissive today so be gentle but firm 😉


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  1. popups aren’t usually a problem unless they start unexpectedly talking/making noises. this should never happen and people that design these popups should be slapped.

    the popups that open more popups when you close them are largely inexistant, those are sure, also annoying, but not a big problem nowadays.

    what’s questionable, is when you press play on an embedded video, and it opens up a page to the site itself. sure, you can just close these excess pages like nothing every really happened, but it sort of ruins the point of embedding the video if the first thing it does is send you to the site, just a minor annoyance.

  2. don’t be concerned at all…i’m happy enough that you have found stuff that i would never have come across..pop ups are a pan in the arse but thank You for your efforts…it’s really pleasure opening my squirt and seeing what you’ve been up to

  3. I’m happy with the the videos you come up with. Pop-ups are not usually a problem. I know how to delete them now. The only issues with x-video and Porn-hub are that they have cause my viewer to crash locking up my computer screen.

  4. The pop-ups are not an issue at all. I get more pop-ups in my pants from the great stuff you post! Keep up the great work, it is much appreciated.

  5. To bad all the pop ups are of pussy but I just swat them away and enjoy your videos. Haven’t been disappointed yet.

  6. Go for it! Popups are a tad annoying but its worth it to watch your choice of videos 🙂 My kind of thing or what! keep up the sterling work, hard work I know but much appreciated, thanks……….

  7. I can live with the pop-ups so keep em coming! Now in this vid…they are all supposedly in bed asleep when it starts…so why have they all got their shoes on?….just sayin

  8. Stocky have you never gone to bed in your shoes? lol no me neither, but you cant deny its a pretty hot video all the same! x

  9. Love every clip you post-there hasn’t been one that I haven’t gotten hard over. Please keep them cummin-great videos and the pictures of men that you post are hot hot hot thanks

  10. For all the hard and good work our Sgt. Coach does for us every single day, I am more than willing to trust his judgment when it comes to stuff like this. He hasn’t let us down yet, and I doubt he ever will. While I’m at it, here’s a big “thank you” to our beloved coach from a very satisfied member of his team.

  11. Pop ups rarely occur with xtube on my computer. maybe the first one i watch but none after. Yes they have the best porn so keep posting!

  12. Pop ups not a prob. Sometimes I share the vids with my friends, i just tell them to ignore the pop ups and enjoy the FUCKING show!

  13. The pop ups are more of an annoyance than anything else. Usually they are behind the scene with audio that does not go with what I am watching, so I have to stop the hot video I am watching to shut those down. However, I do enjoy your vids… Keep up the good work.

  14. Pop ups are an irritation, but not a huge one. If having to kill a pop up to see what you’re linking us has to happen, it has to happen. Not the end of the world.

  15. Not a problem at all..
    been following this blogs since it began, and sgt. Coach delivers!
    not a fan of vintage, but some of them are really good. the rests are awesome

  16. I wish I couls be like everyone else and say the pop-ups are not a problem, but increasing they are. The actually start as soon as I click on Dirty Shorts and completely shut down my computer until they are all finished. It would be better for me if you just put the video links on the page rather than embedding them. It almost always opens the page on the site anyhow – I know, they need business too. I used to visit daily for daily squirt or dirty shorts, but it has gotten to be such a hassle over the past several days that I just visit rockettube, xvideos or spankwire myself and search through the videos. by the way, spankwire, pornhub, xtube, extremetube are all affiliated and can be toggled through just by using the tool bars at the top of the page. Thanks for the work you do, but I can’t imagine I’m the only one having issues, although from reading the replies here maybe I am.

  17. Keep them coming! No prob with popups.

    Btw – I love all the hairy men that you have on the site…..the hairier tbe better!

  18. loved the movies the pop up are not a big deal just one click there gone hope to see you go back to them was alway looking to see the new ones on here thanks for all you do great site

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