Sweet selection. But I’ll be happy to see the big-chunky-watch fad end.
Very sexy faces 😀
can’t stand those big ear studs, and ginger boy CUBS ?? needs to cut and clean his vile fingernails
As I said earlier…These guys look hot and myself i have regrown my
beard into a stach & gotee…If you google Me…Steve Marks Live
You will see my pic… You have to luv men with beards, they are so
sexy and soft usually…Gets you in alot of doors and pants ! .O)
He is very nice man.
Short, trimmed beards are hot – the long scraggly ones are not.
They are all HOT!!!!!!!! I LOVE the Ginger-MAN
Ehh…the first guy would be cuter if he wasn’t trying to look like an Ewok.
The long beard is photoshopped or fake. It reminds me of when I was forced to be a Jehovah’s Witness – they had these bible plays and the guys would put fake beards on like the long one.
The first guy would be so hot without that bible beard .
The first guy is soooo hot but the beard? Not so much.
Love all the hairy chests & love beards, but not the long “bible” ones. He’s still a hot man even with that too long beard.
Not bad
Sweet selection. But I’ll be happy to see the big-chunky-watch fad end.
Very sexy faces 😀
can’t stand those big ear studs, and ginger boy CUBS ?? needs to cut and clean his vile fingernails
As I said earlier…These guys look hot and myself i have regrown my
beard into a stach & gotee…If you google Me…Steve Marks Live
You will see my pic… You have to luv men with beards, they are so
sexy and soft usually…Gets you in alot of doors and pants ! .O)
He is very nice man.
Short, trimmed beards are hot – the long scraggly ones are not.
They are all HOT!!!!!!!! I LOVE the Ginger-MAN
Ehh…the first guy would be cuter if he wasn’t trying to look like an Ewok.
The long beard is photoshopped or fake. It reminds me of when I was forced to be a Jehovah’s Witness – they had these bible plays and the guys would put fake beards on like the long one.
The first guy would be so hot without that bible beard .
The first guy is soooo hot but the beard? Not so much.
Love all the hairy chests & love beards, but not the long “bible” ones. He’s still a hot man even with that too long beard.
mmm, a bearded ginger!
Go Whitesox!
no 3 wooooffff