The Cast Of “Magic Mike”


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Sgt. Coach is really hoping this “Magic Mike” movie will be “Showgirls” good with this SUPER HOT male cast.
Here’s the casting news (with pics of the boys to get you excited)…

Via The Film Experience:

Steven Soderbergh’s Magic Mike, must be nearing cameras, since casting news is dropping regularly now. The film is a pet project of Channing Tatum’s and loosely based on his experience as a stripper at 19. He had never hidden his body as cash machine past (see also: much modelling) so the surfacing of that video a couple years back was more novelty than scandal. 2012 is going to be a huge year for Tatum as he has not one not two but five movies that will be hitting theaters.

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Channing plays the title character of Magic Mike and will school rising star Alex Pettyfer (of I Am Number Four) on the fine art of hustling.

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Earlier this week we heard that Matthew McConaughey had joined the film as their pimp boss and just last night news came that White Collar’s Matt Bomer has also signed on.

TWO MORE ANNOUNCED: True Blood’s Joe Mangianello also added to the cast as “Big Dick Richie” and now Cuban model/actor William Levy.

Other rumored members of the cast include Shiloh Fernandez and Demi Moore.

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  1. mmmm i hope it goes straight to DVD after its initial opening so i can get my own copy to watch ove and over and over again

  2. oh yes, the dvd and kleenex will be essential for what I want to do with that hot cast!
    btw, what’s the video with Channing- stripping??

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