Three Lucky Fellas!


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  1. Oh Dear COACH… You know what’s going to Happen now, and if you keep showing Hot pics like this…. Every Cinderfella in Glass Slippers & Every Safe Sex Princess is going to Bitch and Whine that you post “Smoking is Bad and might lead to Cancer” because this pic is SMOKING HOT !!!! 😉

  2. I, for one, feel that yeah, safe sex is better. While I enjoy looking, in the back of my mind I hope they don’t contract something. But, on the other hand, not my life, not my business not my problem. I thought more men in our community were dedicated to stop HIV & STDs, having looked here & Craigslist I see how wrong I am. I’m not Superman & can’t stop the gay community but if you approach me, you bareback, I will refuse meeting. Do as you want, just don’t involve me. I’ll respect, though not agree with those that do, so long as they respect me & my willingness not to engage in such a dangerous & risky situation. In a perfect world, STDs wouldn’t exist and we could all have bare sex. Have I? Yes. But I knew him VERY well…more than I care to detail here. But that was an exception & we did talk about it in depth. But just as much as you may not like those that speak on the notion here, understand there are those of us its important to.

  3. I’d advise you to post the WHORE(HORROR)DONNA pic on your profile Mikey. You’ll have all the Safe Sex you want…ALONE! Better still, use her on All & Any SAFE SEX Posters. One look at that, and we’ll all become Celibate ( or Cell Bait, when we Lose it, Rip down the Poster, and are thrown in Jail, with Bare Back Bubba as our Cell Mate ) 🙁

  4. I can quite honestly go the rest of my life just using videos. I make an honest comment and you go all PMS & derogatory & nasty. I don’t really use Squirt to hook up. I keep in touch w/the community & look at pics. Its nastiness & my opinion’s more superior than yours attitude that keeps me deliberately single! Who needs to live life constantly dodging insults & hurtful remarks? Your nastiness is rooted from somewhere. And if you can take to bashing someone you’ve never met, I can only imagine what lies hidden. Sometimes the less you say, the more valuable your words.

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