For they go as follows: 1, 2, 8 & 9 had me going from yyyum to WTF??!!10, 11, 12, & 13 would have loved to see more of 14, but thank God for 17, & especially 18!!
1, 3, 9, 13, 14, 18 and 19.
1 & 17 are hot to me. I don’t care for the attitude of #6, but the hot body and thick cock probably allow him to get away with it. Although he has small balls.
You incapable of posting by yourself Menedeu? You someone to hold your hand? Is that why you repy to someone’s comment which isn’t a reply?
2, 3, 5, 9, 13 (beautiful arse), and 14
1, 11, 17.
#11 was really about it. I’d like to have seen more of #17 (a nice butt in a pair of jeans is one thing but just a bare ass shot doesn’t really do much for me) and I agree with the above comment about #6–nice body and cock but the attitude’s really off-putting.
If it wasn’t for the attitude in 6 he would be hot looking, just like 11 and 16
1 – good looking guy, well built, very masculine, 13 – smooth, round ass, perfect for rimming, 18 – 2 hot, horny guys that know how to have fun & 19 – big, solid guy, big cock, and amazing nipples.
11 and 13
Umm, yeah, the middle finger is always classy and original. No better way to ruin a photograph no matter how raunchy.
1-6-19 immediately. others as well.
7,8,13,14, and 19.
Too many guys in this set are either too hairy or they have distracting ink!
Hot. I’ll use that middle finger from 6 to loosen my hole and then ride that monster till he passes out.
For they go as follows: 1, 2, 8 & 9 had me going from yyyum to WTF??!!10, 11, 12, & 13 would have loved to see more of 14, but thank God for 17, & especially 18!!
1, 3, 9, 13, 14, 18 and 19.
1 & 17 are hot to me. I don’t care for the attitude of #6, but the hot body and thick cock probably allow him to get away with it. Although he has small balls.
You incapable of posting by yourself Menedeu? You someone to hold your hand? Is that why you repy to someone’s comment which isn’t a reply?
2, 3, 5, 9, 13 (beautiful arse), and 14
1, 11, 17.
#11 was really about it. I’d like to have seen more of #17 (a nice butt in a pair of jeans is one thing but just a bare ass shot doesn’t really do much for me) and I agree with the above comment about #6–nice body and cock but the attitude’s really off-putting.
If it wasn’t for the attitude in 6 he would be hot looking, just like 11 and 16
1 – good looking guy, well built, very masculine, 13 – smooth, round ass, perfect for rimming, 18 – 2 hot, horny guys that know how to have fun & 19 – big, solid guy, big cock, and amazing nipples.
11 and 13
Umm, yeah, the middle finger is always classy and original. No better way to ruin a photograph no matter how raunchy.
1-6-19 immediately. others as well.
7,8,13,14, and 19.
Too many guys in this set are either too hairy or they have distracting ink!
Hot. I’ll use that middle finger from 6 to loosen my hole and then ride that monster till he passes out.
Same to you #6.
#11 looks like a lot of fun