Given the overall awful bunch of photos in this set, I might could go for 6 (though he’s not usually someone I’d go for) and 8 (despite that tat in the middle of his chest).
But, really, a pretty dismal “Ummm . . . wow” set. More like “Ummm . . . meh.”
#2 and #6 – didnt need to go any further down the set
None of them are my type
1, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19 and 20.
1, 4, & 15. I’d also like to see #18 with a trimmed beard or scruff.
8 for sure. A few others need a better look.
1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, and 20
13 for sure.
Given the overall awful bunch of photos in this set, I might could go for 6 (though he’s not usually someone I’d go for) and 8 (despite that tat in the middle of his chest).
But, really, a pretty dismal “Ummm . . . wow” set. More like “Ummm . . . meh.”
Overall, very little here to excite me. 1 – very masc guy, 16 – gorgeous ass & 18 – amazing body, sexy eyes, killer abs and a huge cock.
1 and 2
#15 is all I need to see. Right amount of body hair and a sweet furry ass. So hot!!!
3, 4, 6 and 15 are all hot. I’d like to see more of 9 and 19 is by far the best pic of them all!
>13< is the Best I have seen thus far… Ohmygroin… he is one HOT STUD to me that is. #11 is my 2nd Best, that dark meat… ohWOW!
2 hell yes absolutely 6 8 13
#15 is all I need to see. Right amount of body hair and sweet sweet furry ass. Very very hot!!!
13,16, and 18.
My favorite is #18! Horrible set! Too hairy and excessive ink!
2 , 3 and 5