We know that you’re horny (so am I!) and love watching the thousands of horny amateur videos that have been uploaded to Squirt.org. Take a look at some of the new features we’ve added to the video section on Squirt.org Mobile this month which will allow you to log on and get off:
- Leave a comment on a video. Let the guy in the video know just how horny his video made you. Did you shoot in your hand, on your stomach, on your face, or did you hit the wall.
- Reply to a comment. Not only can you leave a comment, but you can now reply to a comment. If you find a hot comment that you want to answer back, you can reply directly and start a thread.
- Sort video replies. Make sure you never miss a single reply and sort the replies from newest to oldest or vice-versa.
- Subscribe to notifications. Now you can be notified when there are new comments on your videos.
Keep Squirtin’
Luv, Dick Hunter
It would be great if ipad users could actually watch the videos that we pay for
it would be great if people like you realized you dont pay for daily squirt. you may pay for a membership on squirt.org but you pay nothing for daily Squirt, it is a free sight that anyone can access for free.
I’m a bit surprised that they don’t run on iPad. Flash video doesn’t run on iOS, or on Android. (By the end of this year it won’t run on Windows either.) But, I think, videos are posted in html these days.
I use safari on my iPad and it works fine. Firefox and chrome not so much. Running latest software on my iPad
the entire site is a joke really
Too much barebacking. Does anyone use a condom anymore? Squirt should be more active in promoting safe sex.