Who Would You Choose?


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  1. meh! too young , not enough fur, and really am I the only one that is getting a little tired of all this tatooing gone wild . frankly would not choose any of them. lol.

  2. 5 for me too……….but not sure if he’ll have anything left after all the above have worked him over!

  3. Well what a choice, love them all but if had to have one the it would have to be 5 with 1,2,and 4 to follow and sure could fit in 3 too 🙂

  4. Well like my profile says, I like groups, so I would bring them all with me, but if I had to choose one… it would be #5.

  5. No one’s picked #3 and he looks like he’s got the best sense of humour! I say 3 all the way!

  6. I guess #2, but they’re a bit young for my taste… not that I’d kick any of them out of my bed…. I’m not crazy! I just like ’em a little older and furrier…

  7. what ever happened to a good old fasioned orgy? that would b my vote 😛 But if i had to choose only one. . . then 5 holy fucking god he is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. None…furless gym queens do nothing for me, and they look like they would have a hissy fit if you messed up their hair

  9. I suppose #4 is “most my type” which is relative since type is relative in that group. But I wouldn’t turn down cruising any of them of course. LOL.

  10. #2, because he’s the one who looks the least like a total twinkie!!! All the rest are very cute but farrrrrrr too young!!!

  11. well would not complain if any of them were in my bed but if I had to pic just one it would be # 5 mmmmmmm

  12. I’m a little disappointed. I ordered seven for the week, and only got five. Maybe the other two are on back order. Then again, they’re all going back if those hands are covering vaginas.

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