Who Would You Choose?


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Mr. Left, Mr. Middle or Mr. “Right”?

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  1. i would fuck all 3, but if i had to choose it would be; mr left, followed by mr right, then mr middle in that order.

  2. they all would be somuch fun and all have their magic.

    I would have to meet them to pick.

    all three Im sure they would be up for it

  3. middle has a beautiful chest. Right has a cute face, but left has gorgeous sinewy arms, a toned chest (probably not as big as middle, but strong nontheless), and really thick hard abs, plus a cute face.

    Left for me, please…though I would not turn down the others.

  4. Mr Right is defo the best of the bunch. they are all hot. but mr right is mr right!

    can i have his email addy??? 😀

  5. okay, my choice would be left, middle and then right… good thing we don’t all like the same. Mr. Right is definitely the last choice…

  6. This is a win-win-win situation. They all have amazing bods, and the biggest turn-on of all – confidence.

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