Who Would You Choose? Mr. Left, Mr. Middle or Mr. Right?


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  1. DEAR GOD, I’d sooner choose from the 3 Stooges, than these 3 Fags ! These Gurls make the Village People look Straight ! NONE…NEXT…QUICK ! 🙁

  2. HOLLLLLLLLLLLY SHIT! ALL 3! who are these boys?! i wanna see more!!!
    also. cmon masculinefoothillsman.. you think these guys are fem but like the douchebag ben godfre? when he speaks it sounds like someone pricked a balloon and its hissing out air.

  3. well now, I’d have to see ’em all shirtless to make this decision…but right now, I’d go with left for that beautiful veiny arm.

    “you think these guys are fem but like the douchebag ben godfre? when he speaks it sounds like someone pricked a balloon and its hissing out air.”

    That is incredibly insulting!

    A balloon provides far more stimulating conversation.

  4. I should choose the right one for his tits however I prefer the middle one. He might have light colour pubic hair.

  5. LEFT
    He’s the best looking guy that you’ve posted from Los Angeles. Why not go to the beach and the Westside? even the west valley has tons of good looking guys.
    or if you really want to hit the jackpot, San Diego.

  6. The guy on the right…I usually prefer shorter guys, but for some reason, Mr. Right does it for me…

  7. Mr Right. there is something about a downward pointing nipple on a hard pec I just can’t resist. DAMN! talk about a specific fetish oh well LOL

  8. Well guys, it does say you must choose and for me the most homoerotic guy is Mr. Right. He’s the right choice for me!

  9. I had no intentions on commenting but really calling them “fags” isn’t ok. I’d pick the left one for sure. He’s the cutest of the three, who are all attractive in their own right.

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