MEN.COM: Ty Roderick and Jaxton Wheeler are feeling uncomfortable about a script run through because of a gay kiss. Just as Ty is ready to quit, Jaxton persuades him to push through and try the kiss. Things heat up fast and Ty ends up thrusting his straight cock deep into Jaxton’s bubble butt!
I wanna get into this set but it just doesn’t hit the eyes the right way. Just my 2 cents.
I’ll take the top–HOT!!
TOP for sure
Yeah the topman is the MAN…but Mr. Wierdbeard, with his trimmed eyebrows and is that mascara?….just not very appealing somehow…in my not so humble opinion.
The top is my choice although the bottom has a very nice ass
top cos hes got a nice cock .. bottom ?? what the fuckes going on wiv that beard .. looks like ming the merciless off flash gordon
The top of course.
why do blokes close their eyes when they get close, when they kiss? … an avoidance of real intimacy? … I like to look into my partner’s eyes …
Ok I choosen. I want BOTH!!!!!
nice ass on the bottom
JAXTON all the way. No doubt about it.
LOL i would think if one is a size queen it would be the top but i would chose the bottom only because it has more hair (beard) than the other guy. I happen to me one who loves hair.
I like the LOOKS of the Bottom better, but he is way to Nellie for me.
want the top fucking me every which way butt loose
Of course Derek with a big cock
the most go for the top: great, I can have the bottom for myself.
Ty the top for me for his sexy pubic hair and the big balls. He must be a heavy cummer with such balls.
I used to adore Jaxton Wheeler.. then he slimmed down and cultivated a fucking horrible, gay beard and haircut, now a total turn off. Hasn’t he seen the original film The Producers.. if he had, he’d be down Superdrug in a flash to buy a bic razor or two.