Why yes, that is Rick Santorum’s face made out of gay porn.


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  1. Who? Online search: That frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex. If middle name was Fletcher could confuse with Feltcher. Please keep Richard ‘Dick for short’ where he belongs. 😉

  2. I guess Sarg did not like my comment? See if he lets it stand now? Thought he needed a cock up his ass to keep the rest of his brain from falling out!

  3. Beautifully done. But I’m voting for him. He’s the best of the 4 remaining candidates and a hundred times better than Obama.

  4. Leno had some great jokes last night about this Dick/Rick. For example: “So Conservative that he won’t masterbate since that would involve having sex with a man!”

  5. Couldn’t happen to a “nicer” guy. And before anyone actually votes for this man, you’d better take the time to find out what he stands for — and what he’s against.

  6. I’m with nighteagle on this one. Forget the social issues, they need to be put on the back burner when you have an economy in the shitter and 20% of the population out of work, and now an enemy at the gate (Iran).

    Hell, my yard rake would be better than Obama!

  7. Im voting for him! We gotta get rid of the marxist his band of morons and his propaganda machine called the mainstream media!

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