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ICON MALE: Ian Levine is hanging out in his room when he sees Rodney Steele walk by, and calls him in to show him his girlie magazine.


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  1. Some people need to open their minds! Some of the commenters here need to take a good hard look at themselves before being so harsh on their judgement of others…

  2. I agree with spritzr! I’m sure some of you think you’d look hotter doing this photo shoot than the models that did do it, but you’d be wrong. You’re likely even nastier, creepier and ummmmmmmmm well I guess there are no words. Before you say rotten things about someone else how about looking in the mirror. Not every model in these series of photos that are posted every single day are posted exclusively for you to admire and like according to your personal taste. Respect differences in different people’s looks, tastes, preferences, and lives instead of being so damned bitter and judgemental as if your narcissistic opinion were the only one that mattered.

  3. I think it’s not the guy’s that are being singled out as nasty, creepy Etc.
    More like the underlying tone of of kiddie porn here, loose the teady bear Sarge !

  4. I agree with most others on here.This is most nasty I’ve seen for a while on here. The top is really weird and making the young guy pose with a teddy bear makes you feel its very inappropriate.SHAAME ON YOU SQUIRT.

  5. In my many years of being active in the LGBTQ community I have seen dozens if not hundreds of inter-generational couples, either as ongoing relationships or purely sexual encounters. There is nothing out of the ordinary here with the possible exception of the photo with the teddy bear which, as others have noted, is a bit weird. Nothing against stuffed animals (I have more than a few), but it carries with it the connotation of childhood which raises the inevitable theme of pedophilia. Without that one photo, the pictorial is not anything you wouldn’t find at the average gay gathering in, say, Palm Springs.

  6. FFS dudes !!! it is just a bloody fictitious porn shoot, no different than any of the many movies or other trashy television shows full of murder, blood, guts rape etc,, the crazy shit people watch every day. The young guy is at least in his 20’s…. it is no different than watching Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited trapsing round with his teddybear and his boyfriend !!!… actually maybe it is Sebastian !!! ..

  7. Thank-you spiritman. I wasn’t referring to the teddy bear at all and to be honest it never even phased me. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in other minds to focus on something so trivial as a stuffed toy and to read so much into it.

    As for the comments. I do not feel that the comments had anything to do with the teddy bear anyway. These same guys are making nasty childish comments on almost every post. It’s tiresome, boring low and nasty.

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