If you’ve had a sexed-up night out in London, you’ll probably be familiar with the work of Jamie HP.
This is a party brand that got its start at the – now defunct – Hoist sex club in London. These days they run regular parties such as Stark Bollock Naked, Screw, and Horse Fair.
I caught up with James – he’s the guy in charge or running the live sex shows at the Jamie HP parties.
The Hoist
“The Hoist was a special place for me…” remembers James. “It was the first club that I’d ever gone to – it instantly felt welcoming. I always enjoyed myself while I was there.”
“I’ve been to a couple of venues around Europe, and although they’re all different, they all feel familiar. I really like The Boots, in Antwerp – amazing hospitality and a great layout.”
“One night, while I was at The Hoist, I saw an advert for bar staff…” continues James. “I thought – I could do that. I couldn’t imagine a better place to work.”
“The Hoist was a mix of sleaze, leather, rubber, and lots of cum – all with a smile…” remembers James. “It catered for everyone at the same time, and had the hottest bar staff around.”
A new era
“When we moved location, it was hard to recreate The Hoist exactly…” admits James. “But, we have got a new flavour, which the customers seem to love.”
“I started organising the shows when we moved over to Jamie HP from The Hoist. I kind of just fell into it. I took on some additional responsibilities and then, as I built contacts, I just developed my own way of doing things. I think I do quite a good job – if I do say so myself!”
“I must admit that I have become a bit of a telephone directory…” says James. “I’ve got the numbers of some of the best stars in my phone, and I’ve managed to build really amazing connections with them. It’s not just work it’s family!”
The logistics of a sex show
“Putting on a sex show at a party isn’t as easy as you might think…” says James. “Getting everyone at the venue at the right time is probably the hardest bit – some of my boys are always late.”
“You have to make sure that you have the correct pairing together, and that they have a connection of some sort.”
“Then you have to look at the logistics of who’s gonna sit on the top bunk, and who’s sleeping on bottom. Plus, you need to think about outfits – what are they going to wear on stage and how do you create a reveal.”
“Getting them hard and ready for fun is the easy part. They aren’t supposed to play with anyone before their show, so I tend to get the sexual energy flowing by making them share a dressing room.”
“The shows don’t all go smoothly – I’ve had lots of flops, shall we say! I’ve had incidents with chocolates in the wrong places, and performers slipping on lube and falling off the stage. But, every show has happened, and finished, and nothing has ever been that bad that I couldn’t save it.”
“Sometimes it’s really easy and sometimes it’s really taxing but you take the rough with the smooth, I guess.”
Doing it for the audience
“I want people at our parties to enjoy the shows…” says James. “Hopefully, the shows are having the desired effect and everyone is getting turned-on and horny.”
“I love it when our customers give us feedback about the show. I try my hardest to cater for everyone, but don’t always manage to do so.”
“If anyone has someone that they really want to see in a live show, or if anyone wants to be in a live show, ping me on Twitter!”
Check out the upcoming events from the Jamie HP team

Not my type(s).
not right now
i couldn’t care less
Would’ve been nice if there’d been a bit more information. I mean, are the “live sex shows” basically just an audience watching the “cast” having sex but not participating? (That’s kind of the way the limited information reads.) Do the guys just play one-on-one with several pairings through the show (sort of like a porn flick with a bit of a plot) or are all of the cast on-stage at the same time (for an orgy feel)? Maybe if the “ad” had come with a video “trailer” showing what could be expected, I’d be more interested (of course, with it being in the UK, it’s all academic from my point).
As for the guys shown, in the lead-off group shot, only the guy on the far left interests me (and the skinny guy with the red socks looks like a meth addict). As for the solo pics, I would certainly enjoy watching (and maybe playing with) Jonas and James, maybe David (if the pic is just a stupid pose rather than his real attitude) and Gabriel (though I’d rather see him without that harness).
Without pictures and never having been to one, I’m not sure how well the audience can view the onstage sex?
These kinds of parties come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s just the guys on stage having sex while the audience watches, but frequently there’s a lot of interaction with the audience. If you’re in a club, and the music is pumping, and everyone is naked, then having some porn-stars on stage getting pounded just seems to push everything to the next level. It’s a lot of fun. Gareth.