Whether you’re training your body to outlast your partner(s) at the next big gay orgy, or you are just looking for a little extra stamina when “entertaining” just one guy, being able to last can make or break the sexual encounter.
In this article, we detail some helpful tips to make your next sex session last harder, better, stronger, but not faster.
Why Last Longer During Gay Sex?
Sex doesn’t have to be a marathon. Sometimes, what you need is quick and dirty. Also, one-on-one sexual encounters generally work best if you both cum about the same time – it doesn’t have to be precisely simultaneous, but it needs to be in the same ballpark.
So, just talking about ‘premature’ ejaculation is a bit of an over-simplification. Ideally, what we’re looking for is heightened control of our orgasm.
Once we’ve reached orgasms – once we’ve cum – we’re effectively on a time-out from sex. Our body needs time to recover before it can get back into the sex zone – this is called the refractory period.
If we’re in tune with our body, you have a fairly clear sense of when your orgasm is starting to build. You can then decide – yes, let’s do this, it’s a good time to cum, or you might decide you want to wait a bit and so slow down and delay your orgasm.

Tips to Last Longer in Bed
Put in some pre-game
If you’re worried that you’re on a bit of hair-trigger, you could try jacking off at a strategic point before the hook-up. This is a bit of a risky move, as the refractory period isn’t an exact science – it also takes the spontaneity out of sex.
A better pre-game strategy is to strengthen your pelvic-floor muscles. There’s lots of different exercises that you can do, but the objective is to understand where your pelvic floor is, and how it feels when you clench that part of your body. Doing a few quick rounds of pelvic floor exercises before your hook-up arrives is as important as having a shower and checking that your breath is fresh.

Communicate with each other
One of the best ways to tackle premature ejaculation and have some more control over your orgasm is to communicate with your sexual partner. You don’t have to do a lot of talking, it can all just be body-language and verbal cues. But if you feel that you’re starting to reach the point-of-no-return then let them know. Maybe they’re also close? Are you both ready to cum, or do you want to take your time and enjoy each other a bit more?
This is where taking a break or changing positions is a good move. If your body is starting to send warning signals that orgasm is imminent, taking a break or suggesting a change in positions gives you both a chance to cool down and refocus.

Take it to the edge
Edging is one of the essential life skills that you should learn early and practice often – it’s up there with how to suck dick. Explore edging techniques while you’re masturbating to figure out how to take your body to the brink of orgasm without going all the way.
You can take all of that edging experience into a sexual encounter. Help each other to get into that orgasm zone and then try and both stay there as long as possible. When you’re both finally ready for release, it’s going to be a total cum explosion.

Tricks to Increase Gay Sex Stamina
If you feel like you’ve got a bit of an issue with premature ejaculation, and you’re struggling to get on top of it, you could possibly try a topical anesthetic such as Lidocaine, Benzocaine, or Prilocaine. The active ingredient is a numbing agent – if your cock is hyper-sensitive, spraying a topical anesthetic onto it about 15 minutes before you fuck can help you reduce senstivity and delay orgasm.
Another option is to take an erection pill that contains sildenafil. This boost to your erection means that you won’t need as much stimulation to stay hard and so this may help you to delay hitting that ejaculation threshhold.

Can Drinks and Food Help Increase Stamina?
It’s not groundbreaking, but it’s fairly obvious that if you’re eating right and staying healthy, then you’re giving your body the best chance to function effectively.
Staying hydrated and drinking water is a good starting point. If you’re dehydrated, that’s going to have a direct impact on your sexual performance. Make sure you’re staying hydrated while you’re fucking – take breaks, drink water, then keep fucking.
Some people recommend Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits. How that translates into helping you control your orgasm hasn’t been established, but it’s worth a try.
Bananas could possibly help with your sexual function. It’s not just that they look like a hard cock, it’s the potassium and other vitamins and minerals that they contain.
Antioxidants are generally a good idea. While there may not be any clearly established correlation between boosting your intake of antioxidants and how long you can fuck, it’s not going to do you any harm to eat some blueberries and drink some pomegranate or watermelon juice. Delicious and good for your dick.

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