A CONDOM FREE FUTURE? PART 2 & 3 of DAILY XTRA’s four-part series on PrEP.


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A couple of weeks ago we posted a DailyXtra story/video on bareback sex and PrEP. Here are Part 2 & 3 of this story.

DAILY XTRA: In the second of a four-part series on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Daily Xtra looks at the failure of condoms in stopping the spread of HIV. Can PrEP fill the gap, or will the temptation of safer condom-free sex cause more problems than it solves?

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DAILY XTRA: In the third part of our series on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Daily Xtra looks at the controversy surrounding the HIV prevention drug. While many people are heralding a new chapter in the fight against HIV, others say it’s much too early to claim victory.

In the above videos, Nicolas Kazamia speaks with Robert Grant, a researcher at the Gladstone Institutes; Alan McCord, from Project Inform; and HIV/AIDS prevention workers Tim Ryan and Steve Gibson, from Magnet, a sexual health clinic in San Francisco.

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The concluding PART 4 tomorrow.

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  1. While PrEP might help minimize the risk of infection by the HIV virus, there are numerous other sexually-transmitted infections to worry about, right? “No glove, no love” for me.

  2. To be absolutely frank, I find it amazing that after x0 number of years we still can not put a drug that to all intent and appearances seems be doing one hell of a good job out there for people at NO CHARGE. If as has been mentioned $1 cost to underdeveloped countries why not $2 for developed. Why NOT $0 for all.

  3. It all comes down to the same thing! MONEY! As we know from experience….when it involves business …money comes before humanity!
    If they can’t make a buck…they won’t produce it…Just look at India..they still have leprosy….yet there is a cure….the pharmacy company won’t provide them for free….and the Indian government would rather spend their money on sending a rocket to mars…instead of paying for the pills for its citizens….
    They need rules were,when a drug has made like a billion in profit,the price should drop to a $1 or be free.

  4. I started investigating this drug. I was all gung for it till I found out the cost per year to take it….omg it is so expensive? How many gay men can shell out what it costs? I never once heard in this program about that issue. It seemed to me it was around 13,000.oo a year to take it…that definitely is a show stopper…Lets hope that the price drops…I sincerely doubt it will anytime soon. I doubt any insurance would pay for this drug…

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