A Gay Soldier’s Coming Out Story: VIDEOS


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via Towleroad:
“In a series of YouTube videos, a faceless soldier who says he is from the Bible Belt, stationed in Europe, and deployed to the Middle East, discusses the anticipation surrounding “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal, and chronicles the process of coming out to friends and fellow service members.”

“The repeal of ‘DADT’ is currently in a 60-day waiting period following its certification at the end of July. The ban on serving openly should be lifted at the end of September.”

Read more @ TOWLEROAD

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MORE VIDEOS after the jump-

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  1. What your going through is the stuggle that 98% of us go through. I hear your pain I hope that you remember that you are not alone. If your family and friends really love and respect you they will accept you as you are. Its your internal struggle you need to overcome.
    Anyways…gay or straight. thank you for defending your Country.

  2. This young Military Guy is Very Brave for comming out in the Military & to all of his loved ones. Good for you buddy!

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