Bisexual Man’s Father Gets ‘Born This Way’ Tattoo In Support Of His Son (VIDEO)


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Sibling’s comment on You Tube:

“So: my brother came out that he was bisexual last year and it was one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do and one of the most courageous. He was most nervous about coming out to my old school Italian father who can be a bit of a hardass but mush at heart. So my brother decided to get Born This Way tattooed on his wrist in Gaga’s handwriting after he met her, for obvious reasons, and it meant -and still does- a lot to him. My dad yesterday (before Dylan came home for spring break) got Born This Way (in Italian) tattooed on his wrist to show his acceptance and deep love for his only son who he is so proud of every day. I love my family.”

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  1. SO FUCKING COOL……we are all winning in some form or another and one step at a time as well aren’t we?

  2. Bravo! What a great family. One question: When the narrator (apparently the father’s second son), talks about his dad getting a tattoo “… to show his acceptance and deep love for his only son, who he is so proud of …”, where does that leave Son #2?

  3. OMG…that brought a Tear to my eye… Oh wait! It wasn’t. As I was Puking into the Toilet, the water splashed onto my face. Sh*t ! Now I’ve got to have a Shower. I feel Dirty 🙁

  4. ^The only thing that really made me sick about this was that it’s inspired by some idiotic piece of shit talentless rip-off artist who just happens to be the flavour of the month.

    Outside of that stupidity, the sentiment and emotional side of this is incredibly moving, and lovely. Personally, I’d like to have hoped I could have proven my acceptance and love without marring my skin for eternity, but I can still respect the reasons behind the action.

  5. @AYA Seriously, you couldn’t just let this be a special moment without going on a tired-ass rant about Lady Gaga? Seriously??

    ANYWAY, kudos to father and son.

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