CHCH Gay Porn Mix-Up: Hamilton TV Station Goes Dark As Porn Glitch Hits Broadcast!


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CHCH television says a cable company repair problem caused the sudden appearance of a hard core porn movie during its Friday morning newscast.The station apologized to viewers and promised to investigate as soon as it returned to air. News director Mike Katrycz said the station confirmed within the hour “there was a cable cut at a cable company somewhere (Thursday) night) and somewhere in the repair of it put in some alternative programming which wasn’t ours.”

“It didn’t originate with us “

“We are apologizing to our viewers. We hope they understand it was beyond our control.”

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Katrycz said such a thing has never happened before in his 30 years experience.

Viewers of the News Now broadcast were confronted with hard core sex scenes at 9:30 a.m. for about three minutes before the channel stopped broadcasting. When regular programming resumed several minutes later, CHCH apologized on air for what it said was a problem that originated outside of CH and outside its owners, Channel Zero, which operates several adult movie services.

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  1. What a spectacular fuck !!!!! I have never taken a coloured cock and it seems everybody who tried it enjoyed it very much. I am really looking forward for my first taste. Any offers ?

  2. I think it’s 1853 Sean, but I digress. There’s still areas of the South, that Gone with the Wind conditions still exist, but I’m sure you’re more aware of that than me.

  3. coloured cock….really??? what time are u living in u must be like 90 yrs old if ur using that word…and NO no offers!!!! disgusting…..

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