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  1. I’ve always thought Christian was extremely hot. I would do anything he wanted to him or allow him to do anything he wanted to me.

  2. If that’s what storing in the sunlight accomplishes that’s where I’ll be storing all my men from now on. Forget the dark dungeon.

  3. what the fuck would a good looking guy with a great boy and nice cock want to ink up like that. a total turn off as far as I am concerned

  4. GOD DAMN I DESPISE THE HATERS ON THIS SITE!!! Whether or not you like ink on a man is irrelevant. He is DAMN sexy as are many others inked or no and hairy or not.
    The members of the gay community demand respect and acceptance in everything we do. Pity those same people are not holding themselves to those standards.

  5. I know its the same old queens always bitching about the tatts….i don’t know why they always have to leave same comments that they don’t like them…..maybe for once in their fucking life they could say something positive……

  6. AMEN! Same old trolls hating every post… “too hairy, not smooth, too smooth, I hate shaved guys, I hate tattoos….”

    I’d give anything to suck that cock of his…

  7. Oh fuck the ink & that cock…I’ll eat that man up any day..where o where can I really find a man like this (besides in my dreams)….

  8. He’s got to be the Most Sexy Man that I have ever seen. I’d love to have him do anything he wanted to me, and I DO ME ANYTHING.

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