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  1. even tho hes a hairy guy, which i like i think hes a little too tuned into his feminine side for my liking

  2. Not seeing a single thing “lady-like” or “Feminine side” about this guy. If you two are referring to the leg-crossing, technically the only way a female should cross her legs is at the ankles. True, some women cross their legs this way, but It’s very common among men, regardless of sexual orientation or “Gender of personality”.

    It seems like people are trying harder and harder to equate everything with women, so they can keep “masculinity” in a very narrow, restrictive box of standards. I find that a bit gross, honestly. I’d rather be called masculine because I have a penis, I’m proud of it, and because of various qualities of my personality, NOT because of how I choose to cross my legs, wear my facial and body hair, and the natural, unchangeable pitch of my voice, etc.

  3. ^I forgot to add that his exaggerated leg-cross seems to be only for the sake of covering up his “naughty bits”.

  4. I think he is fucking hot!!!!!!!!!! I would like to suck him from his toes up to his ass and anywhere else that it might lead.

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