Des Hommes et des Chatons: The tumblr that brings our two favourite things together : kittens and men !


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Ahhhh, one of those fun mindless things that one can get lost in. Who doesn’t like kitties & men?!!! I’ve chosen a few of my faves on this post. Want to see more? CHECK IT OUT… HERE!

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  1. I am not a cat person but this set is just wonderful. It made me laugh and I find it one of the wittiest sets ever posted here
    Thank you

  2. not normally into pussys (come on you knew it was coming sooner or later) but I agree with every one cute witty made me smile thanks

  3. For more terminal “cuteness” see these other Tumblr sites:
    Boys with beards with cats
    Fur faces (more beards and cats)
    Men with kittens
    Hot guys with kittens
    According to the Humane Soc.(2012) Domestic Cats( pop. 86.4 mil.) have surpassed Dogs (78.2 mil.) some years ago as the more popular pet. Remember: Dogs have owners while Cats have staff…LOL! Enjoy the pictures…

  4. No, I’m not a cat person either, but it’s definitely cute. Can’t help, but smile. Loved it!!

  5. Not a cat person, allergic. But they do crack me up. And the guys were pretty damn cute.

  6. I never thought I’d look at a porn site and see pussies that I liked. You proved me wrong.

  7. I like—the men and the cats–I am a cat person–they can be a pain in the ass—but they are interesting creatures and I love my kitties even when I sometimes want to ring the neck sometimes of my tiger tabby—he is both a cute sweetie and a devil at the same time!! LOL

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