Did You Hear The News?- “Burly Rugby Player has a stroke after freak gym accident… wakes up gay and becomes a Hairdresser!”


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Via DailyMail:
A 19st rugby player suffered a stroke while training – and discovered when he woke up that he was gay.
Chris Birch, 26, had proposed to his girlfriend and worked in a bank when he suffered a freak accident in the gym. The rugby-loving Welshman was trying to impress his friends with a back flip but broke his neck and suffered a stroke.

He was taken to the Royal Gwent hospital where his girlfriend and family waited for news – but said: ‘I was gay when I woke up and I still am.’ His friends were stunned by the dramatic changes to his personality, especially his change in sexuality.

Chris said: “It sounds strange but when I came round I immediately felt different.
I wasn’t interested in women any more. I was definitely gay.”

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“I had never been attracted to a man before – I’d never even had any gay friends. But I didn’t care about who I was before, I had to be true to my feelings.”

Before the accident Chris was planning on settling down with his girlfriend, although they were having a break from each other at the time of his accident. He worked in a bank and spent his weekends watching sport and drinking beer with his rugby friends. But after the stroke he found he was no longer interested in sport and had little in common with his old friends.

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He quit his job to become a hairdresser and started dating a man he met at a club night.
Chris, of Ystrad Mynach, South Wales, said: ‘Suddenly, I hated everything about my old life. I didn’t get on with my friends, I hated sport and found my job boring.

‘I started to take more pride in my appearance, bleached my hair and started working out.’
‘I went from a 19st skinhead to a 11st preened man.’ ‘People I used to know barely recognised me and with my new look I became even more confident.’


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  1. You should be aware that the Daily FAIL has a reputation for publishing bogus AND homophobic articles … I think Pink News(or it may have been another so don’t quote me) has proven this to be a lying fake. The Daily Wail has been severely criticized of late for it’s homophobic journos making up horsecrap about the gay community, so take this with a grain of salt.
    The photos are most likely fake as well.

  2. He does not look like a rugby player. I think he had a good fuck in the showers and decided to become gay. What an experienced cock can do!!!!!!! Can give you a stroke LOL

  3. The stupid thing about this story is that it’s being treated as new news but I swear I read this story about three months ago in a newspaper. I recognise the guy and the way he became a hairdresser – it’s exactly the same story.

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